
These ink drawings done on a small scale, such as index cards or post-it notes, possess an astonishingly large presence that captivates viewers with their intricate details and powerful expression. Despite their diminutive size, these artworks pack a punch, drawing me into their intricate worlds and inviting others to explore their hidden depths.

The use of ink as the medium for these drawings allows for bold lines and subtle nuances, creating a dynamic interplay between light and shadow. Each stroke of the pen carries intention and purpose, conveying emotion and narrative with remarkable precision. 

These miniature ink drawings offer an intimate viewing experience, demanding full attention as one engages with their intricate compositions. Each line and mark becomes a visual storyteller. 

The choice of index cards or post-it notes as the canvas for these ink drawings adds an element of accessibility and universality to the artwork. By utilizing everyday objects, I try to  blur the boundaries between art and the mundane, reminding us that creativity can be found in the simplest of materials. These small-scale drawings become portable treasures, easily shared and appreciated, creating a profound connection between me, the artwork, and the viewer.

Through their details and compelling compositions, these ink drawings on index cards or post-it notes transcend their small dimensions, and serve as a testament to the power of art to transcend physical constraints.

In essence, these small-scale ink drawings command attention and inspire wonder, proving that greatness can be found in the tiniest of creations. They offer a glimpse into my world, inviting all to appreciate the beauty and intricacy that can be found in the smallest details of life.